ciao-damp-meow/GG's editor
This fall, DPDO is initiating From Kids to Kids, an informal pen-pal project. Students in the U.S. can create artwork, take photos, and write notes that will be delivered to a school in Darfur. These messages of hope and peace will brighten classrooms in Darfur and spirits of Darfuri students. DPDO encourages student supporters in the US to send correspondence to:
Correspondence packages will be delivered to a Darfur School of Peace. When possible, photos and drawings from that classroom will be sent back to DPDO.
Contact katherine@darfurpeace.org with any questions. Please notify DPDO before sending any boxes heavier than 48 ounces (3 lbs).
(Photographs: Girls sitting in classroom at Ain Siro School- Sept. 2009; Decorated box sent by California students/DPDO/all rights reserved)
New York City–based watercolor artist Carol Gillott travels to Paris three or four times a year to soak up inspiration and shoot thousands of photos to paint from.
Her Alliance Française exhibit, Paris Façades, features her charming paintings of Parisien boulangeries and patisseries.
For the artist, the heart and soul of Paris is revealed at street level by its shop façades where “There's just as much glamour and mystery in the quotidien boulangerie or fruitier as the grand Michelin restaurant"
It is this bright contrast that makes Paris the perfect subject for Carol Gillot and her delightful watercolors of everyday Parisian scenes, from les boulangeries to les lèche-vitrines.
Visit carolgillott.com & www.parisbreakfast.com
Opening reception is free, but reservations are required. Call 202-234-7911 x31 for reservations.
Reservations will be accepted until 4pm the day of the event. The exhibit runs through 1 November 2010.
(via Alliance Française website & Paris Sunset via places I wish I were tumblr)