Friday, November 5, 2010

Basket Seconds Sale at Darfur Peace & Development - Week's End

Second isn't always a bad thing. You have to learn & then you can move to first, right? Please consider buying some baskets. (They work well in work & play & kitchen spaces.) Please pass on this message. Thanks so much!

ciao-meow/GG's editor

From the DPDO website:

The May shipment of baskets contained a number of baskets that are less than perfect. The imperfections include dye bleeding from designs, loose weaves, broken weaves, and inexpert craftswomanship.

Our quality control standards have been fully implemented at Kassab camp, but we have some work to do with the weavers at our new center in Abu Shouk camp. Some women who are less skilled in the craft join the Center to earn regular income. These are women looking for a second chance and we do not turn them away.

Going forward, we are maintaining a high level of quality control. We encourage all the new weavers to learn from the masters in the group.We have a few hundred SECONDS. They represent a lot of work by women in desperate circumstances.

The baskets are serviceable and structurally sound – but not decorative in a “gifty” way. These SECONDS could be used for storage of supplies – crayons, pens, etc — in schools, community centers and homes.

We are selling the SECONDS at cost. This way we preserve the income lifeline of all the weavers.

Cost per item: $7-10. We will accept any reasonable offer for quantities over 25. Please contact Susan Burgess-Lent 202-393-8150

(French market by Eistenstaedt for LIFE/basket collage via DPDO photographs)