Tuesday, April 12, 2011

La Bella Lingua Lessons

I have a theory that there is something in the Italian landscape which inclines even the most stolid nature to romance. --Miss Lavish, A Room with a View

It's not just the landscape; listen to that language. Do you want to learn Italian (or brush up on your skills)? You should sign up for a course. GG's editor went to Casa Italiana in Washington, DC. But if funds are low or you want to do something at home first, check out the BBC Italian Language page. Test yourself first (on the website) if you know any Italian. Then move through the page links; it's an excellent site.

For a wonderful book on what it's like to "become Italian," definitely read Dianne Hales
La Bella Lingua. We won it in a giveaway via Bleeding Espresso, a favorite stop every week. Dianne's book is absolutely superb & renewed our dedication to all things Italian. Check out her blog, too.


(photographs via Period Films)