A frustrating day. Not productive. Rain-turning-to-snow this evening. Nothing to do for this except put the kettle on & look at Swedish real estate websites. What?! Yep. The clever stylists make properties look inviting. But...
Some bloggers featuring these blogs (!) indicate that their homes would look great, too, if they had all this cool "stuff." Pardon us if we demur. Look closely. You will likely see many familiar elements. You might own many of these items. Swedish & other Scandinavians we've known had abodes like these. So de-clutter, employ white & bright paints wisely, & re-purpose items. Add some flowers, perhaps a topiary, & yes, go to IKEA.
The top photograph has been on so many blogs but it's a favorite. Visit the inspiration label on Alvhem. Bet you get some ideas even if Swedish style is not your style.
(photographs via Alvhem)