Sunday, August 1, 2010

Black-Eyed Susan

How can it be August already? It's been so hot that GG & her editor (who has neither brown, nor black eyes, by the way) have spent much too much time inside. That's how. Anyway, to get August going, here's a pretty illustration of an old song* (& play) & a little history of Maryland's state flower. We're off to our friend Maria Caterina di Perugia's on Monday--she has heaps of these for the asking. (We will!)

ciao-meow/The Management

*there are many versions & it would seem that every country in Europe & North America claims the song. We'll not take sides, seeing as we don't know the answer. But can't we just share? No. Oh, dear.

illustration by Walter Crane via LIFE archives; brown-eyed susan photograph by Shelby Raymond]