If you use Picasa & haven't updated lately, you ought to. There are many new features & if you don't have Instagram, these (& Pixlr-o-matic) can prevent you from going crazy until you can have a smartphone like the other cool kids.
If you don't edit your photos at all, GG's editor encourages you to consider it. It's fun & easy & you can make a good photograph out of a less-than-stunning original. We see lots of photos on Facebook & Twitter (& some blogs) that could be so much better with some (free) editing software.
While these photographs aren't terrific, the originals are, in fact, awful. But slap a few effects on & they're presentable. The effects used on Giulia's photograph are Lomo(ish) & a drop shadow. On the human servant: an Orton(ish) effect & drop shadow. Those are 3 of 24 new features, including cinemascope, infra-red, Holga, posterize, & duo-tone.
PS: Here are 9 great photo tools for new & occasional photographers.