Monday, April 27, 2009

Some people who give a damn...

...and those who portray them in film.

GG Central
is over 100 degrees (F) & the editor will tell anyone who cares (or not). Semi-regulars to this mostly-photos-due-to-computer crisis blog are aware of our friends abroad. We don't deny we worry. But we've been there & back & little is accomplished by worry. One stays alive by one's finely-honed sense of danger & anxiety. It's a razor-sharp line, how deep the cuts cannot be predicted. Why try? This may be more random than usual but fever-induced heat gets us off the hook for today & tomorrow. Maybe?

[Darfur photographs are by Susan Burgess-Lent/DPDO & used with permission/all rights reserved; contact us if you would like to use one; CG film credits (Focus Features) here; Yvette Pierpaoli, here; Ashis Brahma in Oure Cassoni/Darfur, permission by AB; Casablanca credit; Hotel Rwanda & Paul Rusesabagina credit. We'll be back with specific photographer's names. These are not easy to track down, inexplicably. Must go to the source.]

a cheeky-stinkin'-hot-in-DC-meow/GG/mgmt