The first photograph is a Darfur Peace & Development Schools of Peace; the second is its water system. No kidding. You should see how gets there (if it does). People, people, people. For one moment, would you please stop "hearting" & squealing over the latest thing you want & think about being thirsty? And there's not a drop to be had...or it's filthy dirty. Do you think these folks are just going to have to get used to this? Why should they? That was not the reality before 2003 for most of them. They had water just like you--what if someone took away your water tomorrow? You want to know the basic difference between your situation & theirs? Luck. Fate. You were born elsewhere. That's it. You didn't do anything to deserve better; they didn't do anything to deserve worse.
Sigh. Please go here to read about Clean Water Project & maybe you can give $5.00. We don't have a job & we just did. A little challenge.
[Photos by Susan Burgess-Lent/DPDO/all rights reserved; if by some miracle you want to use any SBL pix for a fundraiser, pls contact GG's editor]