Monday, June 15, 2009

Darfuri flora & fauna

Two camels, a baby camel, & a baby goat...they need water, too. An everyday scene; those babies are cute. And camels are fine, if you get to know them. Their long pretty eyelashes can make up for their displays of crankiness. One time, GG's editor was run right into a thorny bramble in North Africa by a camel. There was a bit of a conversation; the camel didn't do it again. [photograph by Susan Burgess-Lent/DPDO/all rights reserved]

If you missed our update on Friday's Anne Frank post: for the abstract future, comments cannot be left for this site. Too much hate e-mail & comments. It's too stressful; things are bad enough. Enjoy the blogs & links on the page.

ciao-meow/GG's editor