Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day - Labor & Love

Some friends overseas have asked us about the Occupy Wall Street movement. We're not experts but we are sympathetic to the cause, certainly. Here is their website, Flickr account, & the OWS Twitter account.

GG & her editor like the idea of combining the traditional celebration of (& continued fight for) labor rights with the romantic notion of May baskets, muguet, etc. We blame the French! It's a hard sell to some of the fiercest revolutionaries but we'll put up a good fight. They do include musicians, artist, & poets in the mix, though this can be a bit difficult for those of us who do not tow any line 100%. (This is dedicated to Charles Bivona, poet & educational activist. See his site for inspiration & news. And laughs, there are laughs, too:)

Meanwhile, wherever you are, have a lovely first of May. xoxo


(Le muguet du Métro detail by Robert Doisneau via MoMA)