Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Darfur Peace & Development - Annual Report 2008 & Urgent Request

Darfur Peace & Development Organization (DPDO) has released its Annual Report 2008*, here. DPDO is the only Darfuri-led U.S.-based NGO still operating on-the-ground in Darfur, Sudan.

Emergency request: We were going to leave this at the release announcement, but donations are off due to the global financial crisis. While this is understandable, DPDO finds itself short to pay day-to-day operations, much less development. If you look at administrative costs, you will see that they are very low.

DPDO is asking for emergency donations of $1, $5, or $10 through the website & its Facebook page. Things are tough, really tough. If you can help, please know that anything you donate goes straight to people on-the-ground.

A big thank-you to all.

(*Printed copy requests through the website or download as a PDF).

[Peak Near Wilfag by Susan Burgess-Lent, DPDO/all rights reserved/cover of DPDO AR2008/all rights reserved]