Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Autumnal Cycle

Who said Washington, DC style is an oxymoron? People who do not live here, that's who. Here's a pretty flower-bedecked bicycle downtown. And where are we? Why, we are resolving a year+ computer crisis (finally). Additionally, we are self-censoring about some matters for the abstract future. Soon GG will be paw-painting & her editor will post those sure-to-be-declared masterpieces. It may come to that, yes.

Meanwhile, you might go to links such as Made4Aid & Darfur Peace & Development Organization (DPDO) to look around, do a little bidding, do a little good. Thanks!

ciao-flowery-meow/GG Central

[Elegant bicycle at Farragut Square by George Brett & his iPhone /used by permission]

Monday, September 28, 2009

Autumn Orange

We could not resist these pretty photographs from Paul Moody of Vermont. It's still very green here but the yellowing of the leaves has begun. Orange & red are sure to follow. GG would love to ride a horse or a young cow--bareback (for which, she needs a pedicure!). Visit Paul's flickr stream, here.

ciao-meow/GG's travel agent

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Over Easy - Week's End

Have a wonderful weekend. And if you're having a bit of a rough time, try to relax like this person. We've decided to give it a go. (Easy Day by gloeckchen via we heart it -via deviant art. The artist's gallery, here.)

ciao-meow/GG Central

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

National Book Festival 2009

Giulia wants to attend the festival this year & we are considering giving her a much-needed outing. She has a new cherry-blossom patterned harness & lead & is ready for an afternoon of literary hobnobbing. If you're in, near, or will be in Washington on Saturday, consider dropping by the National Book Festival. (If not, visit the link; it's a bit of virtual amusement.) By dropping into & out of museums along the way, you can get some exercise & see some great autumn exhibits in one day.

BTW, if you see a redheaded, opinionated cat on the loose, grab her. GG aspires to be a museum cat; however, breaking out of the bag & dashing into the National Art Gallery is not on Saturday's menu, no matter what she might indicate to passersby.*

GG's literary agent

*innocent face, purring, meowseling --similar to yodeling, rolling on back & stretching out her amazingly long legs, etc.

2009 Festival Artist: Charles Santore

Monday, September 21, 2009

International Day of Peace - 21 September

Click on any link to a humanitarian organization & you'll be doing a great thing. It may be small but it is something (we keep telling ourselves). What you do matters. More information about the official UN observance. No cynics please. Unfortunately, we have enough to spare (& then some).

A big thank you to generous D Sharon Pruitt of Pink Sherbet Photography for her lovely photograph A child's cry for peace.

GG & her harried editor

Monday, September 7, 2009

GG Central - La Rentrée

Update: GG will return by 21 September 2009.

a rentreé will be a somewhat slow affair at GG Central this year. To help out, we are turning to Paris Breakfasts for a sweet rentreé supplies in chocolate? But of course, nos amis.

Please visit a few links on this page, especially Darfur Peace & Development Organization (DPDO) & Made4Aid. Thanks!

Happy Labor Day...

[vintage postcard via personal collection/Alfred Mainzer Cats website, here]