Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Made4Aid Returns - Now on Etsy

Hoorah. Many of GG Central's favorite gifts given last year for the holidays & birthdays were from the good folks at Made4Aid in Britain. Instead of auctions (which we enjoyed), you can just go directly to Made4Aid's Etsy shop & have a look. There will be more additions in the next few weeks. Also, if you would like to donate anything, please get in touch with Made4Aid at made4aid [!at] yahoo.co.uk. They are super-friendly & talented people.

GG's editor uses her French market bag (made in England) every single week. Our friend Maria Caterina wears her Neapolitan skinny scarf proudly (& will again if it ever cools off, oh please). Our friends in Darfur use this lovely hand-embroidered tablecloth for their tea table in the Women's Cooperative. Etc. More to come, we just wanted you to know. There's more but Giulia has begun howl-meowling for her supper. Good grief, what a racket!

ciao-cheerio-meow/GG Central

(Smile card image via Made4Aid)