Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A moment in Paris...

Scarf Chic, la quatrième partie...

Monday, September 29, 2008
Notre Dame at Night

Top 10 Paris Blogs

Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Cat in Paris

GG Central
Paul Newman, 1925-2008

We love, love, love him & our condolences to Joanne Woodward & their children, the rest of the family, & their friends.
GG Central
Happy Birthday, Bon Anniversaire, Trina!

xoxo, GG Central
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Une femme d'un certain age

Bon weekend, nos amis.
xoxo, GG's editor
Friday, September 26, 2008
Do I dare to eat a peach?

Remember September's Darfur Heroes

More news as the event approaches & the tents make their way to Washington.
Ciao- meow/GG Central Mgmt.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Welsh Duffy

Good evening!
cariad, GG Central
National Book Festival 2008

2008 Festival Artist: Jan Brett
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Scots We Like...Craig Ferguson

Cheers during a difficult week, wherever you happen to live. Make yesterday's recipe, you'll feel much better. Barring that, make some tea. Even if you don't drink it, this gives you something to do while you fret.
Bisou, cheers,
GG's editor
Redheads for Obama
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Nigella's Supper Onion Pie for Tough Ttimes

To the inevitable "cheese is so expensive & fattening" remark: buy only the amount needed for a recipe. This cuts down on snacking, & therefore cuts 'cooking calories' & cost.The recipe is below as it is not on Nigella's website. Here are two good food blogs that feature the supper onion pie so you can see the photographs & extra tips. It really is easy, though, & How to Be a Domestic Goddess is well worth buying if you can.
We couldn't resist putting in a photo of Nigella in her funny T-shirt. We want one for our lovely English friend, Maid Marion. It will pay her back for giving GG's editor a t-shirt of a tiara-wearing cat & "It's not easy being a princess" on it! (OK, it is funny.) Cheeky woman...
PS: Only for humans...felines are forbidden to eat anything from the onion/lily family. Sorry, Giulia.
Supper Onion Pie
(from Nigella Lawson’s How To Be A Domestic Goddess)
4 medium red onions
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 heaping tablespoon butter
salt and pepper to taste
3-4 springs of thyme, de-stalked, or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons or 5 ounces sharp Cheddar cheese or Gruyere, grated
For the scone dough:
1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 scant teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
scant 1/2 cup milk
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1 scant teaspoon dry English mustard
1 large egg, beaten
8- to 10-inch cast-iron skillet or 9-inch pie plate, buttered
Preheat the oven to 400 F. Peel the onions, halve them, then cut each half into 4 segments each. Heat the oil and butter in the pan, then add the onions and cook over a medium heat, stirring regularly, for about 30 minutes; they should be soft and tinged with color. Season with salt and pepper, and add the thyme. Turn into a pie dish, and scatter 2 ounces of the cheese over the waiting onions. Leave while you get on with the dough topping.
Put the flour, baking powder, and salt together in a bowl with the remaining cheese. Pour the milk into a measuring cup, add the melted butter, mustard, and egg, mix well and then pour onto the flour mixture in the bowl. Mix to a dough using a fork, a wooden spoon, or your hands; it should be quite sticky.
Then tip it out onto a work surface and press into a circle about the size of the pie dish. Transfer it to the dish, pressing it to seal the edges. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes, then turn down to 350 F. and give it another 10 minutes, by which time the dough should be golden and crisp on top. Let it stand for a couple of minutes, then cover with a large plate and turn upside-down so the plate's beneath.
Nigella eats this with brown sauce, but it's not necessary. (If you’re not up to making it--we aren't—it's readily available at the market.) Makes 6 generous slices.
(photograph by James Merrell)
Pierrot le fou

Monday, September 22, 2008
Redheaded Lily Rose. Visit Garance Doré

GG Central
Autumn jackets...vintage or new?

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Blue Eyes for Obama

GG's discouraged editor
Friday, September 19, 2008
Scarf Chic, la troisième partie...

GG's annoyed publisher/editor
Do you Twitter?

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Scots we like...Annie Lennox

As Annie is so very cool & stylish & arty, we knew there'd be a ton of pix on the web from which to choose. However, we vastly overestimated the amount of time we'd have today--so this is necessarily brief. Annie was named the Glamour Woman of the Year for Inspiration 2008 (UK); we couldn't agree more. She also advocates on behalf of Darfur & children elsewhere in the world & for that we are so grateful.
Have a great evening... xoxo, GG's editor
GG Central: Walk for the Animals Reminder

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
GG & Rodin's Dancing Figure

Have a lovely evening.
ciao-meow, baci, bisou
GG's editor
Flamenco chic

GG Central Mgmt.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Now go to bed!
GG Celebrates Owain Glyndwr

This is from the Owain Glyndwr Society/Cymdeithas Owain Glyndwr bilingual site. So eat a leek (not only French women eat leeks!), & cheers to Owain.
"OWAIN GLYNDWR had no need to rebel. He was a wealthy landowner married into a noble family and led a comfortable existence. But something stirred him into rebellion and he is one of Wales's most romantic and famous icons nearly 600 years after the start of his campaign.
The rebel Prince was recently voted the seventh most influential figure of the millennium in a worldwide poll of politicians and academics, such is his legacy and impact on Wales today"....read more....
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Full Moon, Paris/La pleine lune, Paris

Ciao, bisou, baci. xoxo, GG
Darfur Heroes in September

Suliman’s story, & that of his compatriot & co-honoree Marwa Salah Eldin Abdalla, is featured on the Save Darfur Website/Blog for September.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Takoma Park's 31st Folk Festival & Silver Spring's 5th Annual JazzFest

GG's editor will be at the Amnesty International #297 table in the afternoon. Please stop by & say hello. [GG is staying home...she'd cause mischief & eat fried food. She is on strike -- from what? -- protesting her exclusion.]
The Takoma Park Folk Festival is always a lot of fun. We hope to see you on Sunday.
xoxo, GG Central
Friday, September 12, 2008
Jazz in Silver Spring

Meet you at the "Quandary House" for a half-pint later...or at McGinty's.
xoxo, GG
Isabel's Birthday Berry Trifle

Also, we owe an apology to the lovely Imogen, Isabel's sister pictured in the Christmas photo, as her birthday was last week. GG's editor promises to get back up to speed as soon as possible. Meanwhile, a wonderful evening & weekend to Isabel, Imogen, & their parents K&J. We'll publish K's personal berry trifle recipe soon, along with an all-about-Nigella post.
xoxo, baci, & happy birthday, darlings!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cat Lovers for Obama

Good-night, all
xoxo, GG
September 11, 2001

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A peaceful Wednesday at the Phillips with GG

Then go to the café & write postcards, or in your journal, or people watch. It's open until 4pm.
Have a great Wednesday, whatever you do.
Ciao, xoxo, GG's editor
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ce soir...a quelques petits riens pour le plaisir

ciao-meow, bisou, baci
xoxo GG
Scarf Chic, la deuxième partie... inspiration in color

Tents of Hope is coming to Washington, DC

Tents of Hope is coming to Washington, DC from 7-9 November!
Here are some links about the event that are available so far. This program is a mission of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), headquartered in Cambridge, MA. The entire weekend is part of the Save Darfur Coalition-sponsored student & adult activist training & conference weekend. This link is a great page of "who's participating?"
If you & your family or group of friends would like to purchase a tent, it's not too late. Please click here for the details.
GG is pleased to announce that Darfur Peace & Development Organization will be receiving some tents (the number is not final yet). There will be many future announcements, but please save the date. There will be the opportunity to make art (tent painting)...stay tuned.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A little Provence, a little Silver Spring

GG Central’s friend Bibi came to dinner a few weeks ago. She brought a delicious rosé, a Coteaux d’Aix-en-Provence, ‘Sabine,’2007 (Syrah/Grenache). It’s very affordable, so run out & get some if you can. GG’s editor served rare slices of magret on wild greens, cannellini vinaigrette…The delicious wine (& grand company) kept us at the table long into the evening.
Tonight, a different sort of Provencal evening; some lavender bath gel & a smidge of L’Occitane lavender hand cream. Stress in GG Central continues. The Bach Rescue Remedy is not enough, so we’re calling in Provencal lavender reinforcements. The good work of the L’Occitane Foundation also conjures soothing thoughts.
Though GG has lots of work tomorrow, she’s looking forward to seeing two of her favorite people, Isa & her bambino, le petit P.
Two weeks ago, GG’s editor & Isa had fun watching P. bravely encounter the
GG pouted as she was left behind. GG's editor has decided that as soon as appropriate accessories are in hand (halter, lead), GG can make some field trips. For that, we must borrow a camera!
Sweet dreams, nos amis.
Bisou, xoxo, GG