We didn't want the Christmas holidays to end without mentioning presepe from Italy (especially the south). GG's editor was privileged to celebrate Christmas holidays in the spectacular Southern Italian fashion twice. In particular, presepe (crèche doesn't quite apply except strictly) are fantastical & it's a lot of fun to go on a presepe-themed tromp (punctuated by stops at cafés, of course!). Here are some excellent photos from Kris deCurtis [flickrstream here] from Caserta. There are two kinds of presepe & these are from a presepe vivente (living nativity).
And don't forget: it's not Epiphany (6 January) yet! On the evening of 5 January, la Befana brings toys to Italian boys & girls. (And to one littleredheaded, Italian-named cat, Giulia.)