Monday, January 26, 2009

Waiting in Darfur...

...& in Chad. Deceptively peaceful looking. Trouble is brewing, as usual, in Chad, uproar in Congo. Mia Farrow is in Darfur/Chad right now & here is her website/blog. Momentum to do something about Darfur (& other areas of Sudan) has been growing as Obama's Inaugural approached. Susan Rice's United Nations appointment is a good sign.

If you want to help, Darfur Peace & Development Organization is a good place to start (the website is undergoing a bit of work, so please be patient). For information, policy, & activist positions, Enough Project is excellent. So, too, is Amnesty International.

It's a busy week ahead for all of us, but please read a bit from Mia's website/blog. She has especially intriguing entries the past 12 days, ranging from Rwanda to Congo, with Darfur/Chad in between. No need to paraphrase her. She's an eloquent writer. [Photographs courtesy of Mia Farrow/all rights reserved]

Ciao for now.
GG's editor