Don't throw out the holly & other holiday greens. First, it's not Twelfth Night (Epiphany) yet. Second, we've held on to evergreens well into late January/early February in year's past with great results. Look at what you have on hand, cull out the very dry, pick off brown leaves, etc. Look for containers or vases or even jam jars for a fresh look. If you want "fluffy," fair-trade carnations look good tucked into holly & pines. Also, poinsettia, amaryllis, & paperwhites are on sale because they're leggy. Snap those up (offer a lower price if you think it's warranted, btw) & use them as cut flowers.
While you're at it: maybe keep out a string or two of fairy lights & put them around the largest window in the house or apartment or just around a large mirror or painting over a fireplace. The real cold weather has just arrived here; keeping some decorations up, even reworked, keeps the holiday spirit alive.
ciao-meow/GG's florist(photograph by Caro Sheridan via Elinor Brown Designs)