Sunday, October 19, 2008


Dahlias in a moment.

GG's editor has received searches & requests regarding the "English Muffin" t-shirt worn by Nigella Lawson in a post earlier this autumn. We've searched & the shops that make them & are easily found (zazzle & cafepress) are vulgar & cheesy. And not in a funny way. So we're not linking to them. You could order a t-shirt from any vendor & it will look just as good. Slap a Union Jack on it if you like. If anyone finds a cute shirt like Nigella's, let us know. We are aggrieved that we are unable to accommodate our lovely readers.

Dahlias because...we needed to tell everyone about Nigella. And because GG Central hopes you have pulled up your dahlia tubers & put them to "bed" for the winter. And because we are so frustrated that we cannot, in good conscience, post photos from today's New York Times Style Magazine: The French Issue. So here's a link. Have fun.

xoxo, GG's editor

PS: Thank you to Mark Twyning for his lovely dahlia photos; he placed them in the public domain & we are very grateful.