Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Scots We Like...Craig Ferguson

Yes, yes, he's a citizen now. But he's still Scottish. Yes, he makes fun of 'ladies with cats,' & blows up a kitten picture at the end of the Late, Late Show sometimes. (GG thinks it funny, so...) When he's on, he's on in that hilarious, nutty Celtic/British way. Also: he notices 'ladies' fashion' in an attentive manner; wrote a well-received novel. He also writes screenplays, acts, & directs independent films. He comes to TV not just via the Drew Carey show, but out of experimental theatre (presumably the Edinburgh Festival). I know! (We said it before he did.) GG Central loves his accent & silly manner.

We don't usually stay up that late, but during the Olympics we caught his show several times. Ferguson was the sole late night person (on broadcast TV, anyway) who mentioned "Darfur" at all, at all! The photo is from the Emmy's a few years ago; there he is with his mother. The tuxedo was donated to an auction to raise money for Darfuris. Read this article in Men's Health about losing his father; he was nominated for an Emmy for a monologue he gave before writing the eloquent essay. The things you learn when you stay up too late.

Cheers during a difficult week, wherever you happen to live. Make yesterday's recipe, you'll feel much better. Barring that, make some tea. Even if you don't drink it, this gives you something to do while you fret.

Bisou, cheers,
GG's editor